Vocera Engage Mobile 5




Vocera Engage™ Mobile smartphone application.

Engage™ Mobile is the smartphone application companion for Vocera Engage™, the next-generation patient alarm safety and event response platform. Engage Mobile provides a unique user experience optimized for the demands of healthcare delivery. Vocera Engage can help you manage clinical alarms and alerts, in coordination with the Engage Mobile app. You can apply advanced rules within Engage to filter and rank patient events by urgency. The system then sends only actionable notifications, accompanied by relevant context about the patient, caregiver, and event, to the appropriate care team recipients. Care team members receive the messages on their Android or iOS device using Engage Mobile, or via desktop, Vocera Badge, or VoIP device. For more information on Extension Healthcare’s mobile unified alerting and event response solution please visit http://www.extensionhealthcare.com/engage-mobile/.Various bug fixes.